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Naira Zohrabyan: If turns out Seyran Ohanyan to be blamed, then he must answer for it

March 09,2017 07:31

Naira Zohrabyan about Prime Minister’s scandalous statement

– Mrs. Zohrabyan, in the Haghtanak community of Tavush Marz, you said that the Prime Minister Karen Karapetyan’s statement about the failure of the equipment in the April war due to the poor quality of diesel fuel was a statement about a crime.  What did you mean?

– I meant that the statement of such a senior official of the country on whom incidentally RPA’s entire campaign load is assigned and to whom this question surely will be asked in the meantime makes a statement which must be followed by concrete steps and actions.  In other words, during the April war, and it turns out that not only at that time, the army was supplied with low-quality fuel, and during those tough days for our soldiers, some of the military equipment was not possible to turn on.  I consider Karen Karapetyan’s statement, yes, a statement about the occurred crime, and I was confident that both the law enforcements and the Defense Ministry would seriously deal with it right away.

However, there are opinions that Seyran Ohanyan was the Defense Minister for the mentioned period and if someone is to be responsible, it should be Seyran Ohanyan.  Because he could not but be aware of the low-quality fuel supplied to the army.

– You know, I am neither a prosecutor nor an investigating body.  If it turns out that Seyran Ohanyan is to be blamed, then Seyran Ohanyan must bear the responsibility.  If it turns out that other persons are to be blamed, they will bear the responsibility.  When it comes to the damage caused by the state and the army, the person does not matter for me, and it does not matter who says what now and what he does.  Those who are guilty must definitely bear their responsibility.  And I think that Seyran Ohanyan must also react to the Prime Minister’s statement.  I repeat, individuals are not important for me.  A responsible statement was made and this question needs an answer.  After this statement, I received phone calls from the family members of the two of our guys killed in the April war and they are also waiting for the answer to the voiced statement about who will be responsible.


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