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‘Azerbaijan likely to start a war after parliamentarian elections:’ Levon Zurabyan

March 12,2017 03:31

Very lately, the candidate of the “Congress-PPA” alliance, ANC Vice-President Levon Zurabyan met with the residents of Arevik community, Armavir Marz, and presented the program of the alliance, particularly the provisions related to agriculture.  According to one of these provisions, a loan amnesty should be applied to the farmers who have taken a loan.  “We will introduce a state insurance system for agricultural farms in the case of hail and frost.  We must put an end to this abandonment and ruffian behavior,” said Levon Zurabyan.  But before all of this, according to him, we must solve the issue of Armenia’s reaching peace, “Please understand that the risk of war is too high.  The April war incurs from the fact that Azerbaijan changing the military balance reverses it to its favor.  I do not want to be ominous but it is highly possible that after these elections Azerbaijan will start a war.”  Note that according to the Alliance, it is possible to reach peace thru the option of concessions on Nagorno-Karabakh conflict settlement (the Madrid Principles).


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