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Presidents of Armenia and Russia recapped the results of negotiations

March 20,2017 04:27

At the conclusion of the Armenian-Russian high-level negotiations, which took place today in Kremlin, the Presidents of Armenia and Russia recapped the results of the negotiations with the statements for the representatives of the mass media.
President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan and President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin adopted a joint declaration.

Statement by President Serzh Sargsyan for the mass media after the meeting with the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin

Distinguished Vladimir Vladimirovich,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Distinguished representatives of the mass media,

President Putin presented in detail the results of our meeting. From my side, I would like to touch upon the following issues.

The negotiations were constructive and rather substantial indeed. As always, they were conducted in the atmosphere of total mutual trust which is characteristic for the spirit of our allied cooperation. Each meeting is a good opportunity to analyze and discuss the process of the implementation of the reached agreements and joint programs, to define new directions for cooperation of our states.

This year marks the anniversary – the 25th year of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Armenia and the Russian Federation, and today we made a pretty extensive review of the road our countries walked in twenty-five years.

In recent years, the Armenian-Russian cooperation has acquired new dynamics and a greater substance. Together with President Putin we noted that the continuance of joint efforts aimed at the deepening of the strategic partnership stems from the interests of our brotherly nations. After the discussions on the entire range of the bilateral issues, we reaffirmed our readiness to continue our efforts and deepen cooperation in the security, foreign policy, military, trade and economic, as well as humanitarian areas in line with the Agreement on Friendship, cooperation and mutual assistance and in line with the spirit and principles of the Declaration of the Republic of Armenia and Russian Federation on the allied cooperation which reaches into the 21st century. In this context, I would like to stress the importance of signing the interstate agreement on the joint group of our armed forces as well as entering into force of the air defense force agreement of the Collective Security in the Caucasus region. There is no doubt that these documents will promote further strengthening of security in the South Caucasus.

We have discussed the entire range of the trade and economic relations. Special attention was given to the areas of cooperation such as trade, investments, energy, and transportation. Russia is Armenia’s largest trade partner. In our estimate, the turnover between our countries in 2016 increased by 15 percent. Moreover, compared to January 2016, in January 2017 was registered a considerable increase of these indicators. It speaks of a serious potential which needs to be utilized, including through the mechanisms of the Eurasian Economic Union, for the benefit of our businesses and citizens. As an active member of the Organizations, Armenia is interested in the deepening of in the framework of the EAEU, all its structures and mechanisms, full functioning without artificial barriers, as well as in the enhancement of its international standing.

In the real sector of the Armenian economy combined Russian investment flows reach 4.5 billion USD. Russian business is represented in all areas of the Armenian economy, and there are more than 1400 enterprises and together with individual entrepreneurs – 2000 with Russian capital.

Atomic energy, science and innovative technologies are areas of cooperation which, undoubtedly, enrich the traditional pallet of the bilateral cooperation.

We are ready to allocate due attention to the development of certain projects in the transportation and logistical services. Considering Armenia’s capabilities, geographical location and membership to the EAEU, we see great potential in becoming a transit route towards Iran and Persian Gulf.

One of the most important directions of our cooperation is the inter-regional cooperation. We are determined to enhance and assist regions of our respective countries in their desire to develop direct trade, economic, and cultural links.

We discussed also issues related to the coordination of foreign policy, particularly in the framework of the UN, OSCE, EAEU, CSTO, as well as cooperation in other international settings. We spoke about certain aspects of the activities of the Eurasian Economic Union, including the prospects of development of the mutually beneficial ties with third countries and international organizations. We stressed the necessity of conducting consistent works aimed at the enhanced efficiency of the CSTO, adherence to the norms and principles and obligations assumed by us in the basic documents of the Organization.

We also discussed pressing international and regional issues, fight against terrorism, situation in the Middle East, the Syrian crisis. Taking this opportunity, I would like to thank the Russian side for the assistance in delivering humanitarian aid provided by Armenia to the Syrian people.
We discussed in detail the regional security issue, with the special emphasis on the resolution of the NK conflict, creation of the conditions necessary for moving forward the peace process.
We highly value Russia’s as well as the OSCE Minsk Group other Co-Chairs’ input to an exclusively peaceful resolution of the conflict. At the negotiations, reiterated was the necessity to observe and implement the 1994-95 trilateral ceasefire agreement. We also stressed the necessity to implement agreements reached in Vienna and Saint Petersburg.

We concurred that the use of force or threat to use force are totally unacceptable and undermine the peace process.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We will make joint efforts to develop further our allied partnership for the benefit of the advancement of our countries and prosperity of our peoples.
I am confident that the agreements reached today will contribute to the strengthening of our countries in the spirit of friendship and mutual assistance in the entire spectrum of cooperation.

In conclusion, I would like to once again thank the President of Russia. Thank you, Vladimir Vladimirovich, thank you, Russian colleagues, for hospitality and constructive negotiations. And special thanks to President Putin for returning Vrubel’s The Demon and Angel with Tamara’s Soul painting, which was stolen back in 1995, to Armenia. Thanks to the efforts of the relevant bodies of the Russian Federation, this painting has been recovered, and today Vladimir Putin informed about the intention of the Russian side to return the painting to Armenia. Thank you very much.

Statement by President Vladimir Putin for the mass media after the meeting with the President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan

Distinguished Serzh Azatovich,

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

The negotiations with the President of Armenia traditionally were conducted in the practical and constructive atmosphere. We discussed pivotal issues of the bilateral cooperation, exchanged views on the international and regional agenda.

We conducted negotiations with the participation of the Heads of ministries, agencies and representatives of business circles. Meticulously discussed were issues related to the current stage and prospects of the Armenian-Russian multifaceted cooperation.

I would like to mention, that the visit of President Sargsyan to Moscow is taking place in the important for Armenia period of time: constitutional changes aimed at the establishment of parliamentary republic are concluded, and soon there will take place parliamentary elections. I know that the authorities of Armenia and you, Serzh Azatovich, personally make great efforts so that the pre-election campaign, voting, and vote tabulation are conducted freely, based on democratic norms. I wish you success in that endeavor.

Russia is genuinely interested in a stable, independent and dynamically developing Armenia. Relations between our countries are truly of a friendly and allied nature.

Soon, on April 3, we will celebrate an important jubilee – the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations. Russia and Armenia are genuinely striving to strengthen their mutually beneficial cooperation and multifaceted strategic partnership.

There is an active political dialogue: our governments are interacting vigorously, often links are established between the foreign policy agencies, security councils, enhanced joint activities of the individual ministries are laid on a practical basis, interparliamentary contacts are expanding.

I would like to note that Russia is Armenia’s leading economic partner. Data shows that last year the turnover increased by 6 percent. I see such a result as a great progress which was achieved in the unstable global situation. For the further expansion of trade and its diversification, the possibility of mutual settlements in national currencies is currently being discussed.

Russian investments in the Armenian economy exceeded 3 billion USD. There are over 2,000 enterprises with Russian capital; cooperation in the area of energy is developing actively.

Russia is the largest supplier of natural gas to Armenia – 100% of gas consumed in Armenia is Russian. By the proposal of Gazprom, the fifth energy unit of Hrazdan thermoelectric station was reconstructed, and its capacity reached 480 megawatts.

Rosatom is carrying out works aimed at the modernization of the Armenian nuclear power station. Cooperation in the mining area is also developing successfully. The Russian Polymetal company is exploring the gold mines in Armenia. Rusal made a 120 million USD investment in the joint enterprise for the production of aluminum.

Russia is supporting the development of infrastructure in Armenia. The Russian Railways company is carrying out a large-scale program on the technological modernization of the railroad system and investments are close to five hundred million USD.

Over seventy regions of Armenia and Russia have established strong partnership.
Last October, the Fifth inter-regional conference took place in Yerevan. We hope that the implementation of the inter-regional cooperation program signed on January 24 will contribute to the strengthening of the bilateral exchanges. Close contacts – cultural, scientific, and educational ties between our people are of special importance. Five thousand five hundred Armenian citizens are studying at the Russian higher education institutions, over 1500 of them are subsidized from the Russian federal budget. Last year, in the framework of the educational and humanitarian cooperation program successfully were conducted Days of Armenian Culture and Days of Russian Culture in our respective countries.

During the exchange on the current international and regional problems, it was noted that the positions of Armenia and Russia are close to each other or coincide. Our countries are striving to coordinate activities in the framework of the UN. We are cooperating successfully towards integration in the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union and CIS, develop our constructive interaction in the CSTO; we are grateful to our Armenian friends for cooperation on this critical direction, for the humanitarian assistance provided to Syria. Last October and February 2017 humanitarian aid was transported from Armenia to Syria by the Russian military-space aircrafts.

Special attention was paid to the settlement of the NK conflict. Russia continues to provide assistance to find a mutually acceptable solution to the conflict in the framework of the OSCE Minsk Group, as well as through the direct contacts with Yerevan and Baku.

In conclusion, I would like to thank our partners and personally Serzh Azatovich Sargsyan for today’s substantial and productive dialogue.

I am confident that the reached agreements will promote the further strengthening of the Armenian-Russian strategic partnership.

I thank you for your attention.

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