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EaP CSF Armenian National Platform statement on ‘Bread Bringer’s’ death

March 25,2017 23:31

March 23, 2017
Armenian National Platform of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum with deep sorrow records another gross human rights violation in the Republic of Armenia, which on March 16, 2017 resulted in the death of Artur Sargsyan (The Bread Bringer), who had supplied food to “Sasna Tsrer” armed group. The Criminal proceeding against Artur Sargsyan, the negligence of the circumstance of his serious health problems and his detention, then after short release his re-detention based on the distorted medical forensic examination, give us ground to claim that Artur Sargsyan is a prisoner of conscience and has been persecuted for political motives.

Such cases further increase people’s desperation for the future of the country, especially in the period of pre-election promotion, when one can hear everywhere lofty statements about building a democratic state and protecting human rights.

To overcome the crisis of justice in the Republic of Armenia, EaP CSF Armenian National Platform demands:

• resignation of the RA Minister of Justice, RA General Prosecutor, Head of Penitentiary Department of the RA Ministry of Justice, Head of “Nubarashen” Penitentiary Institution;
• to dismiss the judges who applied detention as a precautionary measure – Artur Mkrtchyan, Judge from the Court of General Jurisdiction of Arabkir and Kanaker-Zeytun Administrative Districts, Karine Ghazaryan, Judge from the RA Criminal Court of Appeal, as well as the investigator and the supervising prosecutor, who made the decision to conduct double forensic examination;
• immediately initiate an investigation against the medical experts who participated in the forensic re-examination of Arthur Sargsyan and issued a conclusion, not being restricted only to the doctors of “Armenia” Medical Center;
• ensure public oversight of the whole process and outcomes of the initiated investigations.

Read also
Remain human at all costs
Everything is political

EaP CSF Armenian National Platform restates the demand of the Resolution adopted by the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum’s 8th Annual Assembly held in Brussels on November 29, 2016: “Release all prisoners detained in the Republic of Armenia while exercising their right to freedom of assembly and freedom of expression immediately and unconditionally”.

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