Lidia Yermoshina, the representative of the observation mission of the Commonwealth of Independent Nations, who has been present in a row of polling stations, has no doubt that the election results are fair. She noted during the meeting with the representatives of the Armenian mass media, that despite the mentioned, the overcrowdings caused technical difficulties for observers to work: “Big crowds were present in polling stations”.
One of the observers, Igor Chernishenko, pointed out the technical failures of the scanners taking the fingerprints of the voters: “They can be excluded in the future”. The head of the delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Republic of Belarus Boleslav Pirshtuk noted: “It seemed to me that election process was rather difficult, but we witnessed an exactitude. EC has a good fortune. Our Armenian partners stepped up”.
According to CIS IPA Secretary General Alexey Sergeev, they have met with the representatives of all political powers before the election day and asked to contact them in case of election violation alerts, however, they haven’t received alerts that much. Pursuant to Kairat Osmonaliev’s assessment, the risks of the election process have been met: “The registration of the voters via scanners increases the confidence in citizens towards the election process”. Siyabshah Shapiev opined that the release of the signed lists violates the right to personal data protection, but according to him, the legislation has provided the transparency of the elections.