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‘RPA-“Yelq” coalition is in the interest of the state and citizens’: David Shahnazaryan 

April 06,2017 10:25

President Serzh Sargsyan announced days ago: “The distinguished representation of the opposition in parliament will hereinafter give the opposition the opportunity to utilize the complex of control toolset in the parliamentary system, which is the primary guarantee of balanced, administrable and effective governance.”

While they vigorously discuss in Armenia what political power Serzh Sargsyan considers being a “distinguished” opposition, and what political power will RPA make a coalition with – PAP, RFA or whether they will prefer to take the responsibly on their own, David Shahnazaryan came up with his unexpected thesis: “First and foremost, I give a positive assessment on the opposition shift, “Yelq” namely. Taking into consideration that Armenia is on the edge of the most serious challenges particularly relative to the fields of security and economy, I think that RPA -“Yelq” coalition is in the interest of RA and Artsakh citizens, however unexpected and unbelievable my words seem to a lot of people.” RPA’s coalition with other parties passing into the parliament will be artificial, non-political – a repetition. As one of the most prominent people has said, it is impossible to solve the issues in a level where they have emerged, it is necessary to ascend from that level.”

Pursuant to Mr. Shahnazaryan’s conviction, RPA – “Yelq” coalition will be political, it will essentially amplify the opportunities of the Republic of Armenia to resist inevitable challenges although he is conscious that “Yelq” may heavily criticize his suggestion presumably, also “RPA” will consider it unacceptable, though he adds that one thing is indisputable to him: “This is in the interest of our state and citizens at the moment.” David Shahnazaryan also noticed that the initiative should undoubtedly outset from “RPA”: “The campaign, the elections are one thing, taking political responsibility is another category. If authorities have a political will and take a step then, in my opinion, “Yelq” will consider this suggestion seriously without taking the opinion of some marginals into consideration.”






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