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Sharmazanov: RPA and ARF sign new paper on collaboration in near future

April 28,2017 15:41

After the session of the Executive Body of the Republican Party of Armenia the spokesman of the party Eduard Sharmazanov told that they had summarized the results of the elections during the session, have discussed the party’s course of the campaign during Yerevan municipal elections.

“After the previous session I mentioned that it is very likely that the Republican Party and the Armenian Revolutionary Federation collaborate. Yes, the discussions are already in the final phase, are almost completed. And I should note that in the near future the Republican Party of Armenia and the Armenian Revolutionary Federation will sign a new paper on collaboration”, he told.

Sharmazanov stated that in general issues both parties have come to an agreement: “For us a few more or less portfolios are not essential, for us possessing a harmony of the project vision, having a common vision on the paths to solve the issues challenging the nation are essential.”




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