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15 thousand drams to citizens who do not take bribes. ‘Yelq’s’ new suggestion

May 08,2017 17:35

Members of Parliament Nikol Pashinyan and Edmon Marukyan during the press conference told that they promise to provide 15 thousand drams as social support to those citizens who did not take bribes.

To the question why 15 thousand drams, “Yelq” members answered that they have studied the budget of Yerevan city.

Nikol Pashinyan said that such mayor must be elected who do not steal the money from the budget, but also can use it to improve their social condition: “When the citizens are suppressed we will practice that method that the citizens will know that they can improve the situation”.

According to Edmon Marukyan, during the parliamentary elections candidates were announcing that people have difficult conditions, they must take bribes and has taken it. “We are suggesting to people the dignified option when people can come to Yerevan municipality, submit an application and the Mayor will support them within their powers. That mechanism is not new, municipality budget has social support budget, which is not transparent: we do not know who get this money.”

According to Edmon Marukyan, it is clear that people in difficult social conditions are taking the bribes and they are forced to do it: “Who likes to take a bribe in this situation. We are suggesting a program and are struggling against the illegitimacy legally.”



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