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International company consumes Madaghis black caviar: 20 tons production expected

June 05,2017 16:09

Business plan over the newly set caviar production in Madaghis expects to produce 15-20 tons of black caviar annually. Artsakh Prime Minister Arayik Harutyunyan talked about this during the meeting with journalists on a visit to Artsakh. According to him, the caviar has already passed an examination, and an international company engaged in the sale of caviar has started the realization, “It is ready to contribute to the realization and to make investments”.

According to the Prime Minister, it is expected that the product will be sold in Artsakh and Armenia in 6 years. Arayik Harutyunyan also noted that the development of dried fruit production is expected as well, which is a quite serious business. As for the harvesting, the Prime Minister said, “Normal rates are expected, according to the preliminary calculations, it will not be bad”.




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