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Shavarsh Kocharyan on terrorist attack in Iran, threat of war control and breaking ties with Qatar

June 08,2017 19:07

Deputy Minister Shavarsh Kocharyan, replying to the question whether the reason for the conversations around war control to again intensify recently is the report of the International Crisis Group, told that conversations about war are always in place and “very Baku tries to shake that sword.”

“The report simply recorded what existed already. Actually, conversations about war are not new, they have existed for years. The steps which they have implemented on the borderline, bring forth concerns and, first and foremost, by intermediary states, forasmuch as they are the permanent members of the UN Security Council, are responsible for peace in any given corner of the world. And from that perspective, it is natural that they initiate steps, alert to prevent that destabilization.”

Mr. Kocharyan referred to the terrorist attack in Iran: “What happened in Iran is condemnable, but it is a fact that this requires cooperation among various forces and first and foremost, amongst the superpowers. Disagreements may occur, they are present, will not disappear, but there is a challenge which refers to all states.”

Shavarsh Kocharyan told that Armenia will not break its diplomatic relations with Qatar, several Arabic countries similarly. The visa-free regime with that country is aimed at the development of the economies, particularly the tourisms of these two countries.   

“Qatar is merely one of the states, in the near future the same step will be taken in relation with 6 other states. There is no need to link that policy, our relations with Qatar with the events present at the Middle East.”

Deputy Minister did not name the aforementioned six states.


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