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‘What is this like, Mr. Switalski?’, Karen Avagyan

June 16,2017 15:41

“In making any assessment should look at the problem from both angles. Ambassador Switalski’s views would be acceptable and logical, if he also presented the positive trends in the Armenian electoral system, particularly, in the last elections”, noted the vice-president of the RA NA Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, a deputy of the RPA faction, Karen Avagyan, referring to the head of the EU Delegation to Armenia, Ambassador Peter Switalski’s tough assessments on the elections.

Karen Avagyan said that due to the legislative reforms, the public authorities’ work, as well as the support of European institutions a huge amount of work has been done to improve the election process. According to him, the achievements are obvious, and ignoring those is unacceptable.

The deputy assured. “Armenia has taken big steps forward in the electoral process. If the goal is the continuation, and the encouragement of the continuation of this process, it is humane, first to clearly identify achievements, inspire people and organizations that have worked day and night for these achievements, and only after that to express a wish on further developments”. The RPA Deputy labeled the EU ambassador’s speech as unprepared, and said, “The impression from Peter Switalski’s unprepared speech is that the more is done, the more it must be criticized. What is this like, Mr. Switalski?”.



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