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‘A decline was reported throughout the whole EAEU’, SRC chairman to Aram Sargsyan

June 27,2017 18:41

In 2016, Armenia transferred 33.9 billion drams customs duties to EAEU, received 52.9 billion drams, that is, we received  more customs duties of 19 billion drams from the EAEU, than we transferred, “Nevertheless, in 2016 about 3 billion drams customs duties were transferred to the RA state budget compared to 2015”, said Chairman of the State Revenue Committee, Vardan Harutyunyan during the discussion of the 2016 budget execution report in the NA.

Member of “Yelq” bloc Aram Sargsyan asked about the reason for we had received less from the EAEU. Vardan Harutyunyan answered, “A decline was reported throughout the whole EAEU in the customs registration, and as a result, on our part, which is a fixed percentage, we received less. Let me also note that this year there is a tendency of increase. According to the data of recent five months, the economy is already experiencing activity”.



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