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Armenian Assembly Regional Director in Armenia receives presidential award

June 29,2017 11:04

WASHINGTON, D.C. – President Serzh Sargsyan awarded Armenian Assembly of America (Assembly) Yerevan-based Regional Director Arpi Vartanian with the Medal of Gratitude last month for her “contributions to the strengthening of Fatherland-Diaspora relations.”

The Medal of Gratitude is awarded to individuals who conduct state, economic, social, scientific-technical, and public activities, as well as provide major personal contribution, many years of devotion, and other fruitful activities aimed at promoting the spheres of health, education, and culture in Armenia.

“I am honored to receive this presidential award for my work with the Armenian Assembly of America. I remain dedicated to Armenia and the work we do to better relations with the United States for the good of our people in Armenia and Artsakh,” Vartanian said. “The work done by the Armenian Diaspora does not go unnoticed, and has a significant impact on people’s lives. Our Diaspora should be proud of its role in that work.”

The awards ceremony took place at the Presidential Palace on May 28, Armenia’s Republic Day. In his remarks, President Sargsyan stated: “Today we celebrate the anniversary of the creation of the First Republic of Armenia. In the last 99 years, many values have been created – material, spiritual, technological. They are the results of the labor of dedicated and professional individuals, of their talent and purposefulness. Nowadays, you have come to take their place, and our society takes pride in your efforts and dedication.”


Vartanian was recognized earlier this year for her accomplishments in Armenia.During the annual New Year Gathering at the home of Assembly Board Member Talin Yacoubian and her husband Varuj Babikian in Glendale, California, Vartanian received a Certificate of Congressional Recognition from Congresswoman Judy Chu (D-CA) for strengthening relations between the United States, Armenia, and Artsakh, as well as a Certificate of Recognition from the City of Los Angeles signed by Mayor Eric Garcetti for her commitment and selfless dedication to gathering stories from individuals in Armenia and Artsakh about the situation on the Front Line.

Medal of Gratitude

A Michigan native, Vartanian has been a pillar of Assembly activities. Since 1994, she has served the Assembly in a number of capacities, both in Yerevan and in Washington, D.C. Some of those positions included Country Director, Acting Executive Director (in Washington), Armenian American Action Committee (ARAMAC) & Internship Program Director, and NGO Center Director. In addition to working with the Assembly, she has worked with the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) and with the Armenian Monuments Awareness Project (AMAP) Human Development NGO.

“We are proud of our longtime friend and regional director, Arpi Vartanian. The Presidential Award is well-deserved and a testament to her dedication to Armenia and Artsakh, as well as the values and purposes of the Armenian Assembly,” Assembly Co-Chairs Anthony Barsamian and Van Krikorian stated.


Established in 1972, the Armenian Assembly of America is the largest Washington-based nationwide organization promoting public understanding and awareness of Armenian issues. The Assembly is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt membership organization.

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