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Armenia: EU to support Energy Days across the country

July 04,2017 21:07

Between 3 and 7 July, the European Union Delegation to Armenia will support a series of events as part of the EU Energy Days 2017. These activities will be implemented in several locations across the country, including in the regions of Yerevan, Lori, Aragatsotn, Kotayk, Ararat and Shirak.

The EU Energy Days aim to highlight EU support in the implementation of energy sector reforms, said the EU Delegation in a press release. The events will also showcase the recent developments and perspectives in fostering renewable, alternative and sustainable energy practices in Armenia through the EU-funded projects and institutional partners.

According to the EU, the purpose of the week-long initiative is also to raise awareness on trends and actions in energy efficiency, security and diversification in Armenia, among citizens, public and private institutions, businesses, civil society organisations, foundations and active youth groups.

More information on the forum discussions and public talks taking place, as well as the site visits to present the impact of EU-funded projects in the energy sector can be found on the website of the EU Delegation to Armenia.

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