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‘Armenia important to Iran’: what issues Meghri-Norduz checkpoint solves

July 24,2017 18:37

Iran’s Parliament confirmed the agreement on “Meghri-Norduz border checkpoint joint usage” between the Republic of Armenia and Iran in days. That checkpoint is important to Iran to provide bilateral trade circulation and implement freight transportation.

Iranologist Armen Israelian informed that the primary objective of the agreement on the mentioned checkpoint usage is to bring to life the prospective programs achieved in the field of economy between the Republic of Armenia and Iran: “We speak of the increase of the volume of bilateral trade circulation, implementation of economic projects, freight transportation, and gas transit. This also means to attract international investors into the Republic of Armenia and Iran.”

According to the specialist’s characterization, a joint working group is going to be formed to organize the customs processes quicker and the freight forwarders to be served quicker as well: “Besides, a quick exchange of information on smuggling is going to be conducted for the issues occurred on the border to find a quick solution.”

As stated by Armen Israelian, in 2015, the volume of the trade circulation between the Republic of Armenia and Iran – non-oil products, has amounted to 130 million USD, and in 2016 a considerable growth has been noticed – 170 million USD: “That factor is given an importance to within the conclusion of this agreement. It is substantiated that the Republic of Armenia is important to Iran and the volumes of the trade circulation require an increase.”

Israelian expressed his conviction, implying that the Republic of Armenia should implement long and short-term projects, make preconditions for investments to deepen the economic partnership with Iran.

Luiza SUKIASYAN         

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