Day newsfeed

Constance disco shooting: Two people dead, say police

July 30,2017 19:39

A discotheque shooting in Constance in southwestern Germany has left two people dead, including a guest, say police. The attacker died after a subsequent shootout. Police have ruled out terrorism.

Police in Germany’s southwestern state of Baden-Württemberg said the 34-year-old alleged perpetrator of Sunday’s pre-dawn shooting had died of wounds after leaving the nightclub and ending up in a shootout with officers.

A terrorist motive was ruled out by a police spokesman, who said the incident appeared to have been a crime of passion by a sole perpetrator.

Three other persons inside the venue had been injured as well as a police officer hurt during the later shootout. His wounds were not life-threatening, police said.

They declined to confirm multiple reports that the dead suspect was an Iraqi who had long lived in Constance and was not an asylum seeker.

The multi-story nightclub, Club Grey, is located in an industrial zone about one kilometer from Constance’s small airport.

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