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‘Meghri’ HPP may be the next achievement in the energy sector of Armenia-Iran relations

August 03,2017 18:35

What are the tasks in the context of Armenia-Iran energy cooperation?

Iranian media and experts are actively discussing the interview the RA president Serzh Sargsyan had given to the Iranian “Shargh” daily on August 1, in which, besides the achievements of the two countries, there is a reference to the priorities of the economic and political spheres of the Armenian-Iranian relations. The president, in particular, touched upon the question why the gas transition to Europe through Armenia and Georgia project did not succeed:This project should be thoroughly studied, and if it is economically profitable for all parties, then why not? The issue is currently at the level of expert discussions”.

“Aravot” asked Iranologist Artyom Tonoyan what Armenia would eventually win from the program, and what are the obstacles preventing its implementation. “The Armenian side has given its consent to the transit of Iranian gas via Armenia to Georgia, and has not created any obstacle in the context for the parties. Why the program has not yet been implemented and is at the expert level of discussions, in my opinion, it may be related to pure technical issues, in particular, the capacity of the Armenian section of the gas pipeline, the adjustment of the transit gas volumes, development of transit routes from Georgia to Europe, and consequent accounts and problems. Or why not, to the buyer country’s certain positions”, noted Artyom Tonoyan.

We asked his opinion, whether what other work should be done in the context of Armenia-Iran energy cooperation. The expert noted, “Generally speaking, in the Armenian-Iranian relations, the energy sector has a leading position and is one of the most dynamically developing directions, and as President Serzh Sargsyan has noted, at the present stage the construction of the third Armenia-Iran electricity transmission line is of great importance. It will allow to significantly increase the volume of “gas for electricity” mutually beneficial exchange program. Also, judging by the discussions of the sitting of the Armenian-Iranian intergovernmental working group in July, the implementation of “Meghri” HPP project may be the next achievement in the energy sector of Armenia-Iran relations”.

Artyom Tonoyan also highlighted the necessity of the construction of the Armenia-Iran railroad in the development of Armenia-Iran economic relations. “The only problem in that issue, as has been mentioned many times, is related to the need for funding. According to estimates, the railway project requires about 3.2 billion dollars. Recently, there has been much debate on how to build it through Chinese investment, besides, now Armenia has become a member of the Chamber of Commerce of the Silk Road countries, this can also contribute to the implementation of the railway program by looking for new ways and resources”, our interlocutor expressed conviction.



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