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Kasyan’s contribution to Armenian officers’ execution is unquestionable and unequivocal

August 15,2017 13:38

In response to the Yerevan Council of Elders “Yelq” faction’s initiative, which proposes to rename Kasyan street, and in general to change the names of streets and schools in Yerevan that are named after Russian communists, and Bolsheviks, director of National Archive of Armenia Amatuni Virabyan, assured that Kasyan actually has done a lot for Armenia.

Talking to, Tigran Avinyan, a member of the “Yelq” faction of the Council, responded to Virabyan: “A person less familiar with Armenia’s history, I think, should be informed of Kasyan’s work. Kasyan was the man who invaded the Independent Republic of Armenia with a foreign army. Besides, Kasyan led the execution of various high-ranking officials, officers, and Armenian generals. Minimal knowledge is required here. I am not a historian myself, but I am well aware of what was Kasyan’s contribution to the execution of the officers, I think this is unquestionable and unequivocal, that is, we do not discover America here”.

When we told him that Amatuni Virabyan assures, Kasyan has not ordered anything, that it was conducted by Gevorg Atarbekyan, all that was organized in Moscow, so Kasyan couldn’t do anything about it, Tigran Avinyan responded: “The director of the National Archive, I am sure, is familiar with these documents, Sargis Kasyan’s name is signed under the execution documents. Now, who has done it, who has not done, but this man’s signature is under those documents”.

In response to our remark, that Amatuni Virabyan assures that there are false documents about Kasyan, but there was no such thing in reality, Avinyan said, that perhaps it is a matter of broad discussion: “But the fact that Sargis Kasyan invaded Armenia with a foreign army, all agreements with the RA government of that time were broken, Sargis Kasyan was also in the background of all of this, with some people, is enough. I do not think Sargis Kasyan is the person in whose name we should have a street, a school or even a memorial plate in Armenia”.


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