The EU-funded Covenant of Mayors East (CoM East) initiative for climate and energy will be asking its potential beneficiaries which events and activities are of interest to them in 2017-2018. An online questionnaire will be open between 15 August and 15 September and should serve as a tool to identify how the CoM East team could help the signatories of the initiative in the Eastern Partner countries to implement their commitment to reduce CO2 emissions and adapt to climate change.
The questionnaire is available in English and Russian and includes thematic sections which are in line with the commitments made by the signatory cities of the Covenant of Mayors initiative.
The Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy is an initiative of the European Union involving local and regional authorities which have undertaken a voluntary commitment to implement EU climate and energy objectives in their territories. The Covenant of Mayors has become the most ambitious worldwide urban climate and energy initiative, bringing together more than 7,500 signatories and representing over 220 million citizens.
The Covenant of Mayors East part of the initiative supports the EU’s Eastern Partner countries in their objective to reduce CO2 emissions by at least 20% by 2020. It helps municipalities toprepare and implement Sustainable Energy Action Plans, reducing dependency on fossil fuels, improving the security of energy supply, and allowing them to contribute more actively to climate change mitigation.