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Armenian lawyer receives threats related to ‘Sasna Tsrer’ and Sefilian cases

August 17,2017 15:37

Lawyer Arayik Papikyan spoke about the threats addressed to him and his family in the press conference.

Let us remind that he had received blackmail messages from Facebook user Emma Sahakyan, demanding that the lawyer ceased his professional activities with specific cases.

About the cases, Arayik Papikyan said, “I have carried out active professional activities especially for the cases of “Sasna Tsrer” and Sefilian. I have almost no doubt that it is in these two cases, in which I’m engaged. I can surely say that it is connected with those cases”.

In response to the question, whom he suspects could do such thing, Arayik Papikyan said, that he cannot say, but has no personal enemies. In any case, this is a person who follows his activities and is unlikely to be a representative of the injured party.

The Chamber of Advocates appealed to the prosecutor’s office, noting to implement protective measures for Arayik Papikyan and his family, if necessary. Araik Papikyan announced: “My family and I do not need such protection, we do not want to, and do not expect because I think that all the persecutions that exist are already enough, we do not need additional legitimate prosecution. I do not want my and my family’s steps to be under additional legitimate control”.


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