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EU helps improve road safety for schoolchildren in Ukraine

September 05,2017 18:05

Road safety for schoolchildren is the focus of a new project, supported by the EU Advisory Mission Ukraine (EUAM), which began as the new school year kicked off in the country on 1 September. Implemented jointly with the country’s Interior Ministry and National Police, the project will reach over 20 thousand primary school children in more than 200 schools in seven regions of Ukraine.

Police officers will conduct traffic safety lessons and provide books and reflective items for children to learn about potential risks on the road and how to stay visible for drivers, said the EUAM in a press release.

The EUAM also highlighted the importance of implementing the Road Safety Strategy 2020, which has been developed with its involvement and adopted by the Cabinet of Ministry of Ukraine.

The strategy creates a road map for all agencies involved in traffic safety for the next three years and is the foundation stone for improved coordination and cooperation between them in this area.

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