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Opportunity for civil society leaders from Eastern Neighbourhood – apply now

September 06,2017 13:10

Young civil society leaders from the six Eastern Neighbourhood countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Republic of Moldova and Ukraine) are invited to apply for the Eastern Partnership Civil Society fellowship programme and increase their leadership capacity.

Supported by Eastern Partnership Civil Society facility, the fellowship programme aims to identify young, ambitious, forward-thinking civil society activists from the Eastern Neighbourhood countries and support the development of their leadership skills.

The deadline for the submission of applications is 18.00 (CET) on Monday 25 September 2017. More information on the eligibility criteria and application procedure can be found here.

The EU-funded Eastern Partnership Civil Society Facility helps create synergies between the various bilateral and regional initiatives for civil society and contributes to the replication and sustainability of their results. It accompanies the EU’s financial support to activities carried out by civil society organisations, which are crucial actors in pushing forward reforms in the Eastern Partnership countries and advancing the achievement of the Eastern Partnership deliverables.

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