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‘It is a shame and a slap to Europe itself’: Shavarsh Kocharyan on Azerbaijan’s ‘laundry’

September 06,2017 19:32

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Shavarsh Kocharyan was asked what steps the Armenian side can undertake after the discovery of Azerbaijani “laundry” to get benefits and whether we can use the “laundry”. He replied: “It seems one is seated in the court, they judge him and you say – what steps can we undertake? In reality it is nothing more than the very trial, figuratively taken of course, not from the legal perspective. What takes place in the whole Europe – investigations, even criminal cases, Italy, etc., this speaks of a thing – the patience is lost already. The issue is that people are weak and even in the heart of Europe there are MPs who do not resist the temptation. As a rule, they are the MPs whose deadline expires. But, in any case, assuredly it is a shame and a slap to Europe itself.

Of course for that it is not a coincidence that it has commenced. Azerbaijan’s response is one – it says – Armenians have done it. That is, whatever happens, Armenians are to be blamed for, inasmuch as they understand that it is not enough, they attach Soros to it. It simply deepens the accusations towards themselves more. Since it is announced, they do not deny that all that has taken place, pay attention to their official response – Aliyev family has no connection with it, that is, in that country, where everything is under control, someone has exported a sum of 3 billion, has conducted some operations. This is ridiculous itself.”

Shavarsh Kocharyan does not exclude that time will come when Azerbaijan will be deprived of its liabilities within the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe: “It will grow gradually.”


Hripsime JEBEJYAN     


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