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Vice Spokesman of Parliament: let Mevlut Cavusoglu take off his sunglasses

September 08,2017 15:33

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey, Mevlut Cavusoglu has announced during the press conference organized after the trilateral meeting with Azerbaijani and Georgian partners that the three countries will make a joint statement during the session of the UN General Assembly which is to take place in New York. “In New York we will emphasize  that both Karabakh and Abkhazia issues need to be solved peacefully and within the context of the territorial integrity of the two countries”, he informs.

The Vice Spokesman of the National Assembly, Eduard Sharmazanov stated that the Armenian-Georgian friendly relations are important to Armenia, taking into consideration that in Georgia a large Armenian community is present. On the core issue he made a notice: “They have forgotten a very important principle – the right to self-determination. Their announcement is against the negotiation logic, inasmuch as there is a minimum of 5 announcements by the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairing countries in place comprising the realization of the right to self-determination as well. The authorities of the Republic of Armenia and Artsakh and the opposition, the people similarly, have one aim – to achieve the full realization of the right of Artsakh people to self-determination regardless of who will speak what and where. We will struggle for that. Sooner or later the Republic of Artsakh will become an independent state. After World War II there were 56 states, the world was going through the path of the victory-march towards the right of self-determination – regardless of whether Cavusoglu wants it or not.”     

The Vice Spokesman of the Parliament reminds that on September 2 Artsakh was celebrating its Independence Day: “Who has a trouble with sight can take off his sunglasses and see the reality. Artsakh has an independent, democratic republic which develops not despite, but in favor of Artsakh people and all Armenians.”



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