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Architectural Company Opened in Hadrout

September 10,2017 14:06

“Dorout Studio” architectural company opened in Hadrout in September.

In a interview with “Artsakhpress”, Founder of the company Nina Nersesyan said that the main goal of the company is the  sustainable urban development of urban landscape of Hadrout ,as well as other settlements of the same region,  taking as a principle the activity of  employees’ activity and further cooperation with leading foreign organizations.

“The urban development of the region has been accomplished in several stages, and it is necessary to clearly distinguish the architecture of the tsarist period of the 19th century, the Soviet period and the contemporary architecture. These are three completely different periods, including the architectural solutions typical to those eras. And we should take it into consideration, “she said.

N. Nersesyan said that after graduating from the National University of Architecture and Construction, she continued studying at the Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy.

“The idea of opening a company came to me when studying my master’s thesis, which relates to the rebuilding of the old district of Hadrut,” said the young architect with Hadrout roots and added that even choosing the organization’s name she took into account the geographical location of Hadrout. The phrase  dorout  is translated from Persian as Mesopotamia (country between two rivers).

And the Hadrout region is between two rivers.

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