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Europe in Armenia Expo: First Multi-Sectoral and Investment Fair in Armenia dedicated to EU Companies

September 15,2017 14:10

Whether a businessman is looking to forge new international partnerships or reach previously untapped customer segments, get exposure or get exposed to innovative products or inspiring entrepreneurial minds, he or she is sure to find a visit to Europe in Armenia Expo invaluable. Organised by the Delegation of the European Union to Armenia together with the European Business Association and the EU Chambers of Commerce in Armenia, this is the first expo solely dedicated to fostering and developing trade connections between European and Armenian companies.

The EU, Armenia’s one of the most important trading partners, has always put emphasis on fruitful commercial collaboration between its member countries and Armenia. Though land-locked and with a relatively small internal market, Armenia is a gateway to many economical giants to which it has preferential access.  EU-Armenian trade benefits from specialised EU Generalised System of Preferences (GSP+), which means 6300 Armenian products are exported to EU with no customs duty. That is one of the reasons that the EU became first export destination for Armenian products. As has always been the case historically, Armenia’s location at the crossroads of cultures and influences is the perfect platform for flourishing trade.

With products displayed by the companies with EU member countries capital, the Trade fair promises to become an excellent place for getting inspired, overcoming cultural and language barriers in the name of progressive business ideas to the mutual benefit.

The trade fair aims to increase the trade turnover between the European Union and the Republic of Armenia, explore advantages of investing, and provide import and export opportunities for European and Armenian manufacturers and service providers.

The fair has the welcome and support of EU member countries and the Armenian Government, which will ensure the strong presence of the business community, investors, and stakeholders. The opening ceremony included speeches by H.E. Mr. Piotr Świtalski, Ambassador, Head of the European Union Delegation to Armenia, Mr. Robert Harutyunyan, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the RA, and Mr. Petros Sourmelis, the Head of Unit, Directorate General Trade, European Commission followed by a guided tour.




The Europe in Armenia Expo features EU-Armenia-Iran Business forum to be held in the framework of the Fair, organised by Development Foundation of Armenia. The forum brings together participants from the EU, Armenia, Iran, and other countries in the region to focus on the soon to be established Free Economic Zone in Meghri and the management of Armenian–Iranian border trade. On the second day of the fair sectorial round table discussions will take place with the participation of stakeholders from both private and public sectors on the topics of turning Armenia into a top tourist destination, the consultants’ role in business success, and development of export.

The event launched on 15 September and will run until 17 September at the Yerevan Expo Centre (also known as Mergelyan Cluster, 3 H. Hakobyan St., Yerevan).


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