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‘How can resettlers trust you, if locals leave the country?’, Sargis Najaryan to Armenian authorities

September 21,2017 19:35

“People can’t trust your words. You need to prove by action. There is a lack of confidence connected to the working style. Particularly Diasporan businessmen have distrust regarding Armenia, but, I think, we can overcome this. We must achieve a mutual trust”, representative of Lebanese Armenian community, director of “Masis” weekley Sargis Najaryan stated at the meeting with reporters.

Mr. Najaryan assured he has tried to come up with the reason for Armenians leave Armenia. Addressing Armenian authorities, Sargis Najaryan said, “How can resettlers trust you, if locals leave the country? There are violations, irregularities, corruption anywhere in the world. For example, Jacques Chirac was prosecuted for violations committed during his office as Mayor of Paris, in France, Berlusconi, the king and the queen of Spain. But people do not leave. I had been thinking about this a lot, and came to the conclusion, that they do not leave, because they know very well that the highest authorities and ordinary citizens are equal before the law. This is what we lack in Armenia”.


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  1. david holdridge says:

    Hi Sargis,

    Yes such a shame. When one considers the extraordinary assets of the Armenia diaspora and the relative small impact they are allowed to have in their moth country.

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