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EU4Business supports 15 precision Armenian engineering companies to visit DigiTec exhibition

September 30,2017 13:02

Up to 15 Armenian precision engineering companies will take part in a top digital technology exhibition organised in the capital, Yerevan, during 29 September-1 October. The firms are all beneficiaries of a project entitled “Support to Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Development in Armenia” (SMEDA), which is co-funded by the EU and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.

DigiTec attracts over 70 thousand visitors and 150 participating companies each year, making it the region’s largest international technology exhibition. The event has been running since 2005 and aims to stimulate networking among technology companies, business consumers and society.

Precision engineering is a focus of this year’s exhibition and a priority for SMEDA, which aims to develop a precision engineering cluster in Armenia.

Other special themes this year will be artificial intelligence and machine learning, augmented and virtual reality, game development, as well as technology education.

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