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Ufuk Uras appeared in Azerbaijan’s ‘black list’ says: ‘I have not viewed Artsakh as Azerbaijani territory’

September 30,2017 15:34

As informed earlier, Turkish political figures – Ufuk Uras, Ali Bayramogli, Sayid Chetinogli and Erol Katrjogli have appeared in Azerbaijan’s “black list” for visiting Artsakh in days and criminal case has been initiated against them. The organizer of the visit, the president of “Return” foundation, former MP Aragats Akhoyan informed that Turkish political actors have not stepped back from Azerbaijan’s move, their mood is high. “The visit was historical, it has been implemented consciously. Our Turkish partners who share our opinion, speak about Armenian Genocide, are famous figures in Turkey and can transmit objective information to their public. They are also representatives of Turkish political elite and to some extent the representatives of the elite of authorities, despite serious disagreements around some serious issues. These figures are neither anti-Armenian, Anti-Turkish and nor anti-Azerbaijani. Their aim is – search for paths to resolution, demolition of hostility between the nations. They have visited Artsakh as ambassadors of peace by a clear consciousness”, highlighted Aragats Akhoyan.

He mentioned that Turkish figures have a remarkable role in recognition of the Genocide in current Turkey, they have organized events dedicated to the victims of the Genocide, participated in protests with “I am also Armenian”, “I am also Hrant Dink” slogans.

Aragats Akhoyan also informed – after the visit, during the press conference, when a well-known journalist in Turkey asked Ufuk Uras which country’s territory he viewed Artsakh, he told: “I have not viewed Artsakh as Azerbaijani territory.”

Aragats Akhoyan does not think that Turkey will extradite the political actors to Azerbaijan in the framework of the criminal case initiated in Azerbaijan: “Extraditing the citizen is a matter of every state’s dignity. Maybe a trial will be conducted, but I do not imagine an extradition.”



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