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St. Gregory Men’s Forum Hosts Armenian Assembly Town Hall Briefing on Advocacy Initiatives

October 03,2017 12:08

Upon an invitation from the Men’s Forum of St. Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Church of Pasadena, California, the Armenian Assembly of America’s (Assembly) Executive Director, Bryan Ardouny, will be delivering a Town Hall Briefing at the church on Thursday, October 12. Ardouny’s presentation will take place concurrently with the Men’s Forum monthly dinner, for which ladies and families are warmly welcome to attend.

Having recently returned from a trip to Armenia, Ardouny will cover a wide range of advocacy issues of concern to the Armenian American community, including the security situation of the citizens of Armenia and Artsakh with the backdrop of incessant Azerbaijani acts of aggression since the Artsakh conflict’s escalation in April 2016. In addition, Ardouny will discuss recent developments in the United States Congress aimed at buttressing decades of robust U.S.-Armenia and U.S.-Artsakh relations, including continued U.S. foreign assistance to both Armenia and Artsakh. Ardouny will also shed light on the Assembly’s grassroots advocacy efforts to generate greater involvement by Armenian Americans in educating elected officials at all levels of government on the Armenian Genocide.

The Town Hall Briefing and dinner will commence at 7:00 PM on October 12, and take place at St. Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Apostolic Church’s Geragos Hall located at 2215 E. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91107. Admission to the dinner is $17 per person, and RSVPs are required. To reserve tickets, please call either Mr. Khajag Konialian at 626-351-0216, Mr. Ardash Gourdikian at 626-399-1914, or the Church Office (Vera) at 626-449-1523.

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