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‘20 years have remained to change the situation’: Karine Danielyan

October 15,2017 13:34

Pursuant to the UN data, the number of disasters has increased on the globe throughout 50 years by 3 times: moreover, their geology enlarges and the reason is the activity of the human, informs environmentalist, UN national expert, Karine Danielyan. “Within the past 20 years the death doll has amounted to 1.350.000. The Earth has started a war against humanity together with the universe. Pope Francis has told: “human beings should not act against nature”, inasmuch as the response will be very powerful and people will not be able to survive any longer”, she noticed.

As stated by Karine Danielyan, 20 years have remained for the humanity to change the situation, otherwise we will taste the strict responses of the Earth: “Nature protector nations will remain on the Earth, and the spoilers will be destroyed.”

As regards Armenia, according to the environmentalist – the vulnerability of our country is rather big relative to the climate change. “110 types of disasters exist in Armenia… the government confirmed yesterday the strategy of the reduction of disaster risks, which I estimate positively, all issues are illustrated. Nevertheless, during the years of independence, Armenia has not decreased the risks of disasters but has increased them, especially in two sectors: mining industry and urbanization. Putting and destroying the earth crust without looking at where it is, what it is, do not matter, just destroy it”.

According to the environmentalist, the other important problem is the 21 toxic tailing dumps which are living bombs. Ms. Danielyan mentioned that the fight against mudflows is also important, a pilot project has been implemented connected with this problem, but the authorities’ response is delayed.



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