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Actual concerns

October 21,2017 12:32

Aren’t you surprised that almost all the bills initiated by the government are welcomed by the supporters of the government, and the bill on Prevention of Domestic Violence is a target of criticism for the same pro-government circles? Is this the worst bill ever made by the government? Obviously not. Can we assume that these people have been allowed to speak against the law from “above”, or are even encouraged to do so? The “speakers” also benefit: it is a good opportunity to demonstrate “independence” and to speak out “national liberation” speeches.

Why does the government allow the “strict criticism” of the government project in this case? I can’t say. Perhaps, these are some EU or EAEU tricks, which are not interesting. Moreover, whether by and large, the law will be adopted or not is not important: if there is no public support, if women want to be “regularly beaten”, and be embarrassed of voicing about it, then that law will be all the same for our society.

I am more concerned about another thing: this discussion once again gave rise to justification of violence and even propaganda. (The same sentiment, by the way, I have felt during the armed attack on the patrol). The justifications are “very logical” in this regard: “As long as there is corruption, migration, poverty in Armenia, beating women in families is justified”. “First, solve people’s social problems, and then demand that people do not behave like a beast in the family”. “Haven’t you been brought up with a “fatherly slap”?”. I will sincerely answer the last question: no, and I’m not dissatisfied with my upbringing.

I am also concerned that, according to rumours, the EU is interested in that law, which creates unnecessary tension, as a result of which the concepts of “Armenian family” and “European values” are contradicted. When the propagandists of violence “defend” the Armenian family, I start to doubt for a moment, whether they are talking about Armenian or Saudi or Pakistani traditions. In fact, there is no such contradiction: a real Armenian family where members love, respect and forgive each other, is quite European. And in general, the nation of Narekatsi and Komitas is perhaps more European than the Europeans themselves.


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