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Armenian-Azerbaijani sky was going to shake regardless of Sargsyan’s words: ‘A1+’

October 26,2017 19:37

Armenia increases expenses of the defence. By 2018’s state budget, the military budget will grow by 18% or 37 billion AMD as compared with the current year. Armenia pursues the path of the modernization of the army, announced Serzh Sargsyan at the National Defense Research University. The launch of the program encompassing the years 2018 to 2025 will be set on January 28 of 2018.

Political scientist Styopa Safaryan explains: “It is not new that Armenia should have spoken about the modernization of the army and armament. The leading countries of the world have been carrying out experiments for a long time, started from unmanned aerial vehicles, finished with robotics. One does not know on whom Armenia was relying and initiates belated steps it could have done years ago.”

By $ 100 million credit Armenia will acquire military equipment in 2018. Since 2006, Azerbaijan has sharply increased its military budget making Armenia enter the race of armament.

As estimated by the political scientist, the reason of this is the wrong policy: “Armenia did not put this on its political agenda thinking that Russian-Armenian tandem will remain irresistible in case of Azerbaijan’s military operations, but Azerbaijan fount the ways to loosen that tandem. It is evident that that tandem does not play 100% resisting role in the issue of preventing Azerbaijan’s military aspirations.”  

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