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Shavarsh Kocharyan: ‘Situation is explosive in some sense’

November 16,2017 16:45

Addressing Russia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sergey Lavrov’s forthcoming regional visit, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia, Shavarsh Kocharyan noted that those visits were planned long ago and it is connected with the 25th anniversary of the diplomatic relations. Relative to President of the Republic of Armenia, Serzh Sargsyan’s visit to the Russian Federation for participating in Armenian cultural days in Russia, he told that it was also planned long ago. As stated by Shavarsh Kocharyan: “From the other perspective, it is evident that there is a certain move by the Co-chairs in relation to the settlement of Nagorno Karabakh conflict. Overall, the vector of the process has been set in Vienna and it has not changed since now.”

He assured that the expectation of the Co-chairs is to have a development in the process of Nagorno Karabakh conflict resolution: “Trust should be in place between the parties, which in turn presumes implementation of Vienna and Saint Petersburg agreements. It is several years development lacks in negotiation process, the situation is explosive in some sense, the evidence of which is the April War of the previous year.”

Asked whether any proposals have been made by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Mr. Kocharyan replied that the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation does not operate separately, he operates in the format of Co-chairs: “It is odd to me that they try to separate all the time, especially when Lavrov has denied it publicly for several times.”

Referring to Azerbaijan-Armenia possible meetings, Shavarsh Kocharyan explained that it is not excluded that the mediators suggest a meeting between the Ministers of Foreign Affairs, and when it happens, they will inform.




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