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5 day weather forecast

December 05,2017 17:09

In the Republic

In the daytime of December 5, at night of 6 and 8, on 9 and 10 no precipitation is predicted. From the second half of the daytime of 6 to the second half of the daytime of 7, in the daytime of 8 precipitation is predicted. In the evening of 7 in Syunik and Artsakh precipitation is predicted. On December 6 in the mountainous regions snow and in the foothills and valleys sleet is predicted. On December 7 snow is predicted, in the daytime of 8 light snow is predicted.

South-west wind speed is 3-8 m/s. On December 6 and 7 in separate places the wind speed may exceed up to 20-25 m/s, in the mountainous regions storm and low horizontal visibility is predicted.

In the daytime of December 6, on 7-10 the air temperature will gradually go down by 8-10 degrees.

In Yerevan

In the daytime of December 5, at night of 6 and 8, on 9 and 10 no precipitation is predicted. From the second half of the daytime of 6 to the second half of the daytime of 7, in the daytime of 8 precipitation is predicted: in the daytime of 6 in form of sleet, at night of 7 and in the daytime of 8 in form of snow. On December 6 and 7 the wind speed may exceed up to 15-20 m/s.

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