More than 150 young people from the regions of Armenia recently got together with representatives of the government and international organisations to take part in the “Empowering Regions Through High Tech” conference in the Armenian city of Gyumri. The conference, which was organised by the EU4Business Support to Small and Medium Enterprises Development of Armenia (SMEDA) project, took place over two days last month.
The main goal of the conference was to promote economic development in the regions of Armenia by analysing successful international strategies for small cities that could be implemented in the country and how digitalisation could contribute to economic growth.
The young participants looked at how changing mindsets, creating successful entrepreneurship and developing the regions affects economic development in the country.
Gyumri, where the conference took place, is the second largest city of Armenia. It is aiming to become the IT capital of Armenia with its famous Gyumri Technological Centre in the city’s downtown district. Since its establishment, the centre has contributed to the creation of 200 jobs with almost 100 beneficiary companies, educating up to 500 people per year.
The event took place in partnership with international organisations and the EU4Business SMEDA project, which is co-funded by the European Union and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. The project focuses on small and medium-sized enterprises in Armenia throughout the country, including all its regions.