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Foreign detainees or prisoners to be given video call opportunity in Armenia

December 14,2017 15:51

Foreign detainees or prisoners, the relatives of whose cannot visit them, will be provided with an opportunity of 2 video calls in a month, informs the government’s agenda. As the Minister of Justice, David Harutyunyan states in the program, the opportunity of video call will be given also to the detainees or prisoners the relatives of whose cannot use the opportunity of short visits. If the government confirms the program, then it will enter into force since November 1, 2018.

The video call can take place in the presence of the representative of the administrative staff, having informed the detainee or the prisoner in advance. The program holds that the video call will be organized in the room of the prison or detention with technical equipment .

The objective of the program, as stated by David Harutyunyan, is to keep the ties between the detainees or prisoners and their relatives and the external world, giving them right to visits, phone calls, messaging, etc.  

“Conditions required for the correction and re-integration of the prisoners are the preservation of ties with family and the external world. The preservation of connection with family and the external world also contributes to the promotion of law-abiding behavior of the persons being in freedom and strengthening their healthy lifestyle”, the necessity of the program has been substantiated by the Minister also this way, referring to the report of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, which gives importance to keeping connection of prisoners with the external world, with the aim of provision of which they should be provided with reasonable opportunities to keep ties with their relatives.




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