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How Violence is Born

December 27,2017 12:57

Very long ago, at the beginning of 1970s, “Professional Risk” drama was displayed at Soviet cinemas. The film was shot in 1967, the role of the main character performs wonderful composer – Jacques Brel. The teacher of the little village-like town is slandered by pupils as if he wanted to rape them. During one of the questionings, Brel’s character asks the inspector: “Do I look like a man who is capable of such a monstrous crime?” As a response, the inspector shows a photograph of a completely normal person by appearance, who, it came out, was a murderer.

I always remember that film, when a photograph of a married couple appears regularly on the internet, being taken, presumably, during the wedding ceremony or suchlike event. It is an ordinary photograph of a man and a woman half-smiling in front of the camera, one can meet thousands of such photographs on Facebook. But we know that, according to the materials on criminal cases, the man had a cruel attitude towards his wife and, eventually, the wife killed him. If that version is correct, then from the perspective of lawyers, it seems a motive exists. But for the rest the reason of such cruel murder remains unknown, nevertheless.

We often read about such cases lately, and the reason, supposedly, is not that their number has increased, they are not simply hidden any longer. If we speak of a person not capable of making a crime, not drinking and not taking drugs, then the manifestations of cruelty towards the spouse become even more unclear. I stay far from the thought that such things happen only in Armenia, but it should not console us, in my opinion. And we, perhaps, should give a question to ourselves – why?

Probably, one of the reasons is that we, let me say, speak about violence, burning, murdering, destroying and killing extremely carelessly. Of course, a part of those conversations bears, so to speak, a “political” character, when, for example, former Armenian residents, seating under the palms, give instructions to us, Armenian citizens, on particularly who and how should be burnt and hanged. However, overall, we have no immunity towards violence, at the moment of the burst of both everyday and political passions we consider possible that people can acquire features of a beast.

Words or even thoughts have a capacity of becoming a reality. One should be cautious with them.

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