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Attack on Armenian Union building in Turkish-populated district of Brussels

January 12,2018 14:49

On January 5, at night, unknown persons fired on the Armenian “Sahakyan Union” building in the Sharbek district of Brussels and escaped. This was reported by the “Agos” newspaper published in Istanbul. The building’s doors and windows were damaged as a result of the attack. There are no casualties or injured. The organization is currently closed, but will soon be reopened.

The source assumes that the attack could have been carried out on nationalist grounds, as the district is mainly populated by Turks. Migrants from Turkey, who have been distinguished by their nationalist activities for years live there.

“Agos” reminds that Armenian and Assyrian organizations were attacked there six years ago.

The district head is Turk Emir Kir, who has forbidden Kurds to organize rallies in the district several times.

The attack on “Sahakyan Union” was carried out on the eve of Christmas, which is not accidental.

An investigation over the incident has been initiated.

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