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‘Sasna Tsrer’ defendant advocate banned from visiting his client

January 14,2018 15:40

The advocate of Arayik Khandoyan, defendant on “Sasna Tsrer” armed group accused of storming police patrol regiment in Armenia, in 2016 and a row of other heavy crimes, lawyer Arayik Papikyan has not been allowed to see his client, informs Arayik Papikyan himself.

He mentioned that in “Nubarashen” penitentiary, where Khandoyan is kept, he was banned from seeing him without explanation. “My name was crossed out by pen… I do not know what is the reason, but I suppose, that most possibly, Judge Mesrop Makyan has given such order, informing the penitentiary that I am no longer Khandoyan’s advocate on that case. But the issue is that I have visited also Armen Lambaryan and not a sole issue has arisen”, explained Arayik Papikyan. He reminded that “Sasna Tsrer” had boycotted the sessions and refused to have advocates, but it does not mean that they have right to be banned from visiting Arayik Khandoyan, for whom he had been advocating for a long time.

The lawyer assumes that such attitude is a manifestation of revenge and prosecution towards Arayik Khandoyan. Papikyan also informed that Khandoyan’s health is not in a good condition. Khandoyan has finished hunger strike in days.

“He was taken to “Erebuni Medical Center” 2 days ago, afterwards returned to “Nubarashen” penitentiary. Presently he is kept in the medical sector of the penitentiary: is is an ordinary cell and he is not shown a special medical assistance”, mentioned Arayik Papikyan.


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