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Republican Party might nominate prominent Armenian diasporan figure or ambassador

January 15,2018 18:36

The Republican Party has not had any discussions on its presidential candidate for April yet, but it is planned to be done in the near future. Vahram Baghdasaryan, Head of the National Assembly Republican faction, told this to journalists during an interview.

He assured that the discussions will be held in a free environment, and there are no grounds to claim that they will only discuss the candidacy of a person whom the president will propose. “It will be a unified political decision”, he noted.

According to Baghdasaryan, no names had been voiced during the preliminary discussions in the Republican Party. “Next week we will have to discuss names because there is a deadline from February 28 to March 10. Most likely, we will elect on March 2”.

Vahram Baghdasaryan also mentioned that they have great respect for art, but it is not clear yet whether it is possible the Republican presidential candidate to be a prominent Armenian diasporan figure or ambassador.


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