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Armen Sargsyan: ‘I have no interest in getting involved in politics in Armenia’: ‘Azatutyun’

January 19,2018 18:34

“I have no interest in getting involved in politics in Armenia, but I have a great desire to be useful to the homeland”, Former Prime Minister Armen Sargsyan said in an exclusive interview with Radio Liberty on February 18, 2010.

“I believe that one can be useful to the country not only with political participation or belonging to this or that political party, or being an official or nonofficial, being in power or opposition. I think that one can avoid all of these and at the same time help the country, the homeland, just focusing on the main issues where you can make a small contribution”, he noted.

Armen Sargsyan is currently living in London, but his major project, which he recently initiated, is directed to Yerevan. The goal of the “Yerevan, my love” project is to preserve the historic-cultural heritage of the Armenian capital.

As a first step, four historic buildings will be reconstructed in the center of the capital. In two of them musical school of folk instruments will be opened and will be headed by Jivan Gasparyan, one will function as a single mothers’ center, the fourth will serve the needs of deaf and dumb children.

“Yerevan, my love” I hope will become like a cultural movement where will not be any political or party presence: this is just a treatment towards our city”, said Armen Sargsyan.

“I have not left Yerevan, I am from Yerevan. I am temporarily in other capitals of the world, maybe I also have apartments where I live, but actually I am from Yerevan, and as I was born in Yerevan Demirchyan street, I continue living there”, he noted.

“Yerevan, my love” project launched last week with an unprecedented reception at the Royal Palace, Windsor, which was organized jointly with Prince Charles of Great Britain, and was attended by the President of Armenia, Catholicos of All Armenians, Armenian and foreign philanthropists and businessmen.

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