At the opening of its Winter plenary Session today, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) elected its Vice-Presidents. The seats for the Vice-Presidents in respect of Italy and the Russian Federation remain vacant.
Werner Amon (Austria)
Volodymyr Ariev (Ukraine)
Wlodzimierz Bernacki (Poland)
L’uboš Blaha (Slovak Republic)
Rósa Björk Brynjólfsdóttir (Iceland)
Titus Corlatean (Romania)
Sir Roger Gale (United Kingdom)
Jonas Gunnarsson (Sweden)
Alfred Heer (Switzerland)
Akif Çagatay Kiliç (Turkey)
Stella Kyriakides (Cyprus)
Ana Catarina Mendes (Portugal)
Marianne Mikko (Estonia)
Andreas Nick (Germany)
Joe O’Reilly (Ireland)
Marija Obradovic (Serbia)
Samad Seyidov (Azerbaijan)
Nicole Trisse (France)
(Italy, Russian Federation: vacant seats)
Twenty Vice-Presidents are elected annually at the beginning of an ordinary session and remain in office until the opening of the next session (but a Vice-President whose delegation is renewed in the course of a session does not remain in office).