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‘Artsakh conflict package resolution implies its step-by-step implementation’: Edward Nalbandian

January 29,2018 18:32

According to Foreign Minister of the Republic of Armenia Edward Nalbandian, today such questions as whether the Artsakh conflict will be resolved by step-by-step or package option are not relevant. “The co-chairs have repeatedly stated that the conflict should be resolved on the complete package, which was presented to the sides. The package approach was offered by the co-chairs. And the package resolution implies its step-by-step implementation”, he stated at the annual conference.

Edward Nalbandian also touched upon one of the recent statements of the Azerbaijani Foreign Minister who had told that it is time for the Armenian side to turn to “logical” negotiations. “Not always look for logic in Baku’s statements, even if they are using the word “logic”. What logic are we talking about when they come to an agreement and then step back from it, particularly from St. Petersburg and Vienna agreements, when they reject co-chairs’ proposals, when they agree to reduce tensions on the border, but then aggravate the situation”, Edward Nalbandian noted.

Then he expressed conviction: “Azerbaijan does not realize that the fact that they have participated in those meetings for years and now call those “illogical” is discreditable for them. If those were illogical, why did they attend those meetings and discuss the issue? Perhaps their “logic” is unique but it does not correspond to the logic of the international community, Armenia and Artsakh”.



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