In the Republic
In the daytime of March 5 precipitation will stop, after the daytime of 6, at night of March 7, on 9, at night of 10 in most regions from time to time precipitation is predicted. At night of March 6, in the daytime of 7, on 8, on 9, in the daytime of 10 no precipitation is predicted.
South-west wind speed is 3-8 m/s, on March 6, on 8, on 9 in separate places wind speed may reach up to 15-20 m/s.
The air temperature in the daytime of March 6 in Lori, Tavush, Syunik and Artsakh will go down by 8-10 degrees and then it will gradually go up by 7-8 degrees.
In Yerevan
In the daytime of March 5 precipitation will stop, after the daytime of 6, at night of March 7, on 9, at night of 10 from time to time rain is predicted. At night of March 6, in the daytime of 7, on 8, in the daytime of 10 no precipitation is predicted.
On March 6, on 8-9 wind speed may reach up to 12-17 m/s.