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Vik Darchinyan: ‘I return to professional ring only for the 10th belt’

March 05,2018 17:37

The absolute world champion in professional boxing, three weight-category world champion Vik Darchinyan, who has won nine world champion belts overall is again in Armenia.

The famous boxer held a press conference.

“I left boxer’s active career in January 2017. But in March, I received an offer from Russia to fight with Evgeny Gradovich. I have nine belts and agreed to have the tenth. Within three weeks after the offer, I had a fight with a Thai boxer whom I knocked out in the first round. He was lying on the floor of the ring for about 15 minutes. I sent the video of that fight to Russia, after which they keep silent, but say that the fight will take place. And when I do not know yet. I am waiting for the final answer.

Now I have come to Armenia to take a rest, to meet with my friends. I love my country very much and visit it at least three times a year. I am always welcomed here. This time I was received by the presidents of Armenia and Artsakh. I also want to somehow be useful to my country’s sportsmen and plan to create a promoting company named after me. I know there are good boxers here that can make success in the professional ring and make money. But they do not have that opportunity. My goal is to create an opportunity for them to try themselves.The rest will depend on them. When I became a world champion, I was only given the opportunity to fight, and I was able to prove that I can achieve anything by practicing day and night.

My surname is well-known in the American television. And if they know that the boxers are from Vik Darchinyan’s school, it will be easier for our guys.There are at least a thousand boxers in every weight category in the US, and it is very difficult to get to be shown on TV. You will have to fight about twenty times to get that chance. I think that at the start my name is enough for the fights of our boxers to be shown.

It would be difficult for me to work as a coach. I will work with the boxer, I will give him whatever I can, but to spend the entire day in the gym, it is a great responsibility. Rather, I will appoint coaches to train boxers in a professional style”, said Vik.




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