In the Republic
In the daytime of March 20, at night of 22, on 23, at night of 24 and in the daytime of 25 no precipitation is predicted. In the daytime of 21, at late evening on 24 and at night of 25 mostly in regions precipitation is predicted.
South-west wind speed is 3-8 m/s. On March 21 in separate places wind speed may exceed up by 15-20 m/s. on 23 by 20-25 m/s, on 24 by 25-30 m/s. The air temperature on March 23-24 will go up by 5-6 degrees.
In Yerevan
In the daytime of March 20, at night of 22, on 23, at night of 24 and in the daytime of 25 no precipitation is predicted.
In the daytime of 21, at late evening on 24 and at night of 25 precipitation is predicted.
On 23-24 wind speed may exceed up by 18/23 degrees.