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‘You Say Drivers Have Problems, Fine, We Will Solve Those, Why Do You Make a Fuss?’: Karen Karapetyan’s Responses

April 12,2018 13:42

During the National Assembly-Government question and answer session “Yelq” faction MP Edmon Marukyan told the acting Prime Minister Karen Karapetyan:

“People had hopes with you, the Republican Party used you as a technique very well during the elections and people believed in that technique. Now there is a serious disappointment. People are disappointed with you because they thought you would be the Prime Minister”.

He also said that ruble is now dropping, we all know about the sanctions, that a new war is going to start and that our country will face serious problems. Marukyan asked Karapetyan whether he has any vision of how to get out of this situation.

Karen Karapetyan responded: “Whether there is disappointment or not, that is your assessment, it might not match with the people’s opinions”.

As to the dependence on the EAEU, Karen Karapetyan replied: “I am sure that we have done the right thing for a simple reason that our economy, our potential, is targeted at these markets. Having extra privileges, we have a market of 170 million. Moreover, it is a problem of inviting an investor. If you look at the statistics, you can see that in 2017 we had an export-import increase more in other markets than in the EAEU. We do not have any restrictions on entering these markets”.

Marukyan said he did not personally get disappointed with Karapetyan because he did not even have hopes regarding him: “But there were people who had hopes, and there were political figures too who had hopes, now they are disappointed”.

Marukyan also mentioned that our drivers still have problems in Russia, they have not even solved that problem for already a year and a half. “The government did not manage to solve even a driving license problem, what are we even talking about?”. Karen Karapetyan responded: “Because the government does not attach as much importance to it as you do. You say the drivers have problems, fine, we will solve those, why do you make a fuss?”.

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