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‘We block all the streets, metro stations, the airport, everything possible – again’: Pashinyan

May 02,2018 01:51

Nikol Pashinyan, the leader of “My Step” movement, who, let us remind you, was not elected in the PM’s position, announced during the rally at the Republic Square, that they restart the actions of peaceful disobedience: “We are going to respond to RPA’s action very fast. We announce strikes everywhere in the Republic of Armenia for tomorrow. We block all the streets, metro stations, the airport, the railways since 8:15 a.m. (Armenian time). We bloc everything possible.”

He urged the protesters to come out to the street and demand for the people’s candidate to be appointed as the PM and government transition to take place: “And tomorrow a rally is going to take place at the Republic Square at 7 p.m. (Armenian time).”

Afterwards Pashinyan urged the police: “Leave the formalities away, put aside your shields and join the protestors.”

Pashinyan added that he bows down before the protestors: “Let me say something else – the more this process prolongs, the more the Armenian nation stands out among the nations of the world. Soon enough the Republic of Armenia and the citizen of the Republic of Armenia will become the ideal of the international public.”




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