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Russian Federal Council labels Armenian crisis as ‘very alarming’

May 02,2018 16:51

The vice president of the Committee on International Affairs of the Russian Federal Council, Vladimir Jabbarov announced in the interview to “RIA Novosti”, that “the leader of opposition, Nikol Pashinyan’s option through force causing a political crisis in Armenia is inadmissible, it puts the legitimacy of PM’s election under question, and the country is going to face serious consequences, external political field encompassed.”

Let us remind you that Nikol Pashinyan has never urged to solve the crisis via force, moreover, he has announced for multiple times that the civil disobedience actions are peaceful and with open hands.

“One cannot come to power that way, inasmuch as the PM’s legitimacy will raise doubts,” said Jabbarov, “Such development of events is pregnant with serious consequences for the country both domestically and externally: Yerevan has enemies who will rush to make use of that situation.”

Let us also remind you that the leaders of the movement have announced for multiple times that the mobility of assistants from the Ministry of Emergency Situation, Rescue Service, doctors, firefighters, and ambulance, as well as cars with license plates from the Ministry of Defence, should not be hindered.

The situation evolved in Armenia Jabbarov estimated as “very alarming”. “After Pashinyan’s urge for disobedience manifested in blocking the pulse of the most vital significance, the possibility of clashes between the protesters and the police grows sharply,” he said.

Jabarov urged the parties to conduct negotiations and expressed his hopefulness that common sense will eventually win. He stated that passing parliamentary elections and changing the rules of order of electing the PM is urgency.

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